
Review: "Clear Moon" - Mount Eerie

Clear Moon - Mount Eerie
(2012 P.W. Elverum & Sun)
  After a journey through the cavernous, reverb washed new release by Washington-based solo project Mount Eerie, one can deduce that this album was not created without ambition in mind.  Spanning genres from post rock to folk, Clear Moon has the potential to rival other rule breaking albums such as A Grave With No Name's 2011 release, Lower. A listen to Clear Moon is a powerful look into Phil Elverum's mind.

  If the album cover didn't clue you in, the mood of the album becomes immediately prevalent in the opening bars of the opener, "Through the Trees Pt. 2" which sounds like Sufjan Stevens recording in space. When Elverum's whispering, fragile vocals pierce the delicate bed of dream folk, the result is powerful. When female vocals kick in to compliment the already gorgeous second half of the composition, prepare to be transported.

  Although the opener is a tough act to follow, two similarly named tracks ("the Place Lives" and "the Place I Live") that just about burst at the seams with dreamy post-rock energy do the trick. Fans of instrumentalists such as Robin Guthrie and Brian Eno will dig "(something)" and "(synthesizer,)" two fuzzy, sonic pieces that almost transcend reality.

  The album takes yet another turn in a different direction in "Lone Bell," which sound like the result of a collaboration between Radiohead and the Postal Service slowed down by 25%. After "Lone Bell," however, Clear Moon begins to lose some steam. "House Shape" is pretty generic post-rock but is followed by my favorite track, "Over Dark Water" which sounds a lot like 80s goth collective Dead Can Dance. The album remains lackluster until the decent, yet slightly disappointing farewell track, "Yawning Sky." Overall, Clear Moon is written for the musically adventurous, and is not for casual indie rock fans. Give Mount Eerie a good long listen, and experience the subtle magic masterfully crafted by Phil Elverlum.